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Profilbeschreibung von Avinash
With leadership experience of 10+ years I have transformed CRM program into a digital engagement program. In my roles I have designed & implemented customer lifecycle journeys, and optimized communication using best practices that improved digital engagement & conversions. Increasing customer value has been my primary focus, I have improved organization NPS by fixing customer feedback loop. And w...
With leadership experience of 10+ years I have transformed CRM program into a digital engagement program. In my roles I have designed & implemented customer lifecycle journeys, and optimized communication using best practices that improved digital engagement & conversions. Increasing customer value has been my primary focus, I have improved organization NPS by fixing customer feedback loop. And worked cross functionally with teams to launch & implement product enhancements to personalize experience, which improved customer lifetime and ARPU. I have managed stakeholders to agree KPIs and report performance regularly. On a personal level, I strive to be healthy & active, which inspires my loved ones also to make healthier choices. Professionally, I have been successfully creating healthy relationships internally by collaborating cross functionally, as well as externally, engaging our customers by offering inspiring products.

Course Details
Delivery Method: Online in presentation form.
Class duration: 1 hour.
Lecture language: English, Hindi
Course content: Depending on student interest in the topic, following are the 4 options for students to take this course.

Course Content for 1 class
-----History of customer marketing.
-----Customer marketing Fundamentals.
-----Customer Marketing General study.

Course content for 2 classes
-----Marketing Fundamentals
-----Digital Marketing in current scenario.
-----Customer marketing Fundamentals.
-----History of customer marketing.
-----Customer Marketing General study.

Course content for 3 classes.
-----Marketing Fundamentals
-----Digital Marketing in current scenario.
-----Digital Marketing tools and technology.
-----Customer marketing Fundamentals.
-----History of customer marketing.
-----Customer Marketing in depth study.
-----Customer Marketing tools and technology.
-----Future of customer marketing.
-----1 Case study of multinational organization.

Course content for 4 classes.
-----Marketing Fundamentals
-----Digital Marketing in current scenario.
-----Digital Marketing tools and technology.
-----Customer marketing Fundamentals.
-----History of customer marketing.
-----Customer Marketing in depth study.
-----Customer Marketing tools and technology.
-----Future of customer marketing.
-----AI in marketing
-----3 Case studies of multinational organizations.
-----Bonus added new industry trends and tools to master.
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