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Sekundarstufe I
Bildung, Abschlüsse und Zeugnisse
Bildung, Abschlüsse und Zeugnisse
Hauptschulabschluss: High School Education with College level credits in Advanced English
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Profilbeschreibung von Bryan
I prefer to teach through practical methods. Teaching speech and English in general is easier for the student and the teacher if they are both able to engage with casual conversation to keep things relaxed and far less stressful than it needs to be. I utilize book reading back and forth as well as vocabulary increasing exercises intermingled within readings. That being said, the basic are never i...
I prefer to teach through practical methods. Teaching speech and English in general is easier for the student and the teacher if they are both able to engage with casual conversation to keep things relaxed and far less stressful than it needs to be. I utilize book reading back and forth as well as vocabulary increasing exercises intermingled within readings. That being said, the basic are never ignored and I find grammar to be very important to understanding why you make certain choices when presenting yourself in English.

As far as my experience is concerned, I was a Montessori English teacher for 2 years before deciding to find a better work to life balance for myself and my family. I still have a passion for literature and helping others appreciate good literative knowledge and so I would like to spread that love through tutoring and offering lessons. I have additional English and literature background through my previous work experience as an Audiobook Narrative and proofreader, in addition to my experience working as a narrative and technical journalist with a general focus on video games and the gaming industry as a whole. I have also dabbled in online streaming and I'm very aqcuainted with presenting myself in a public setting and I can offer assistance with public speech.

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