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Tien Dung
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Tien Dung
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Profilbeschreibung von Tien Dung
I prioritize the use of English during my lectures. I firmly believe that it is most profitable for students to exercise the language as much as possible. I aim to help students to gain the knowledge about the language through practical and fun activities during lectures. As an additional method, I utilize the multimedia materials: videos, movies, magazines, newspapers in order to encourage the s...
I prioritize the use of English during my lectures. I firmly believe that it is most profitable for students to exercise the language as much as possible. I aim to help students to gain the knowledge about the language through practical and fun activities during lectures. As an additional method, I utilize the multimedia materials: videos, movies, magazines, newspapers in order to encourage the students to get familiar to the common use of English in daily life. The communication during lectures would also be in English since I want to boost the students' confidence through actual, real - life circumstances. I can also assist the student in completing their schoolwork and handouts. I usually teach students based on their current learning materials used in classes in order to stick to their lectures and avoid drifting away from their main goals. I have been teaching/assisting my peers in the class all the way since gradeschool during English lectures, so I am confident in my ability to stick to the teaching materials and helping students to achieve their academical targets. I have also had classes when I tutored adults in communicational English, where I taught them to utilize the use of English in actual conversation.
I have been considered a friendly tutor who is willing to assist my students and colleagues during and after classes. I always welcome questions and small talks during my lecture, as long as they are in English, so that my students can have more chances to practice the language as well as understand the usage of English better.
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