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Profilbeschreibung von Gresa
Hi, everyone! My name is Gresa Gashi, and I am thrilled to be your online tutor. I have a Master's degree in English and American studies from the University of Graz, and I’ve been teaching English for 6 years. Teaching is my passion, and I love helping students develop their skills and achieve their academic goals.
My teaching style is focused on building a strong foundation of knowledge and the...
Hi, everyone! My name is Gresa Gashi, and I am thrilled to be your online tutor. I have a Master's degree in English and American studies from the University of Graz, and I’ve been teaching English for 6 years. Teaching is my passion, and I love helping students develop their skills and achieve their academic goals.
My teaching style is focused on building a strong foundation of knowledge and then building upon it to help students reach their full potential. I believe that practice and reinforcement are key to mastering any subject, and I always provide plenty of opportunities for students to practice what they’ve learned.
I also like to incorporate real-world examples and applications into my lessons to help students see the relevance and practicality of their learning. My ultimate goal as a tutor is to help you build confidence in your abilities and develop a lifelong love for learning.
When I’m not teaching, I enjoy reading, dancing, and running, and I’m always excited to learn about new things. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you and helping you achieve your academic goals!
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