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Chinese and Italian with a native! 10 years of experience, complete beginners, general learning, university and interview prep

Hi there! My name is Valeria Petrone and I am a qualified Italian Teacher with over 10 years of experience. I teach general, academic and business Italian, but I can also help you with preparing for language exams!

When it comes to my teaching methodology I use authentic materials that will help you get to know everyday Italian. I like to ask my students to act out a role in a simulated situation that the lesson was about. I also give feedback after each lesson.

My teaching experience consists of teaching Italian, Chinese and English as foreign languages in China, Italy and the UK. Since 2021 I’ve been teaching online and I enjoy it a lot- I get the opportunity to meet students from all over the world.

Personally I am passionate about literature from all over the world, currently I am learning Greek because I am in love with Greece but I also lived in China for 4 years and I speak Mandarin.

If you are looking for an engaging Italian teacher I am here for you! I offer a 30-minute trial lesson so I encourage you to give it a try! Message me to book a trial with me!
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