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Profilbeschreibung von Liam
I have a vast background in child care and child education in sports. It was my responsibility to teach the children in my care about various subjects such as basic math, science, and English. I spent two years coaching children ranging from ages 4-12 in basic gymnastics. During this time, I had many students who were nervous, scared, or uncomfortable when it came to completing an obstacle course...
I have a vast background in child care and child education in sports. It was my responsibility to teach the children in my care about various subjects such as basic math, science, and English. I spent two years coaching children ranging from ages 4-12 in basic gymnastics. During this time, I had many students who were nervous, scared, or uncomfortable when it came to completing an obstacle course or move. My position gave me experience in communicating effectively with students while simultaneously encouraging them to push themselves and learn. These situations required me to find a way to make them feel safe, comfortable, and create a feeling of self confidence for them. My profession as a gymnastics coach for children equipped me with the necessary skills to be able to evaluate a students progress while also adding methods to help them improve. I try to keep my dynamic as a teacher friendly and understand as to not put any pressure on my students. I believe in positive reinforcement and encouragement to help a student further their abilities. If a student is not responding well to my methods, I do my best to adjust to better fit their individual needs. It is important to me that my students feel safe and comfortable while learning.
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