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Miriam Aadya Luke
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Miriam Aadya Luke
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Profilbeschreibung von Miriam Aadya Luke
I like bringing real life situations into the classroom and address the areas where the students feel they are lacking the most. I prefer interaction, role playing instead of just being a tutor. I believe in learning from others and allowing students to immerse into a language’s culture, to better learn and understand it.
I like the use of colors, songs, poems and games in French wether they are...
I like bringing real life situations into the classroom and address the areas where the students feel they are lacking the most. I prefer interaction, role playing instead of just being a tutor. I believe in learning from others and allowing students to immerse into a language’s culture, to better learn and understand it.
I like the use of colors, songs, poems and games in French wether they are created in the classroom or introduced into it.
Students are also allowed to share their views and ideas and are most definitely encouraged to express themselves in matters that affect them both positively and if in any way, not in the way that best suits them.
Everyone is treated equally, when it comes to opportunities, corrections, rewards, advices and appraisals. No preference of any kind is given, however in the case of a group lesson or a class, I will attempt to help bring each person’s performance on the desired level.
Questions are always encouraged and listened too and responses will be as accurate as possible.
Teaching is a relationship between two persons, where one person who is more experienced in the subject serves as a guide , support and tool for the learner. Different efforts and responsibilities are allocated to both parties in the best interests of the learner.
I believe in good preparation in order to be victorious and will therefore attempt to always be prepared to assist, understand and work with students to help reach the necessary goals.
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